William Reilly

I am passionate about preaching relevant, scripture-based sermons that deepen faith, glorify God, and proclaim the Gospel.


Why Are You Crying?

From “Questions Jesus Asked”: a Lent/Easter series exploring questions Jesus asked in the gospels.

Scripture: John 20:1-18

To see the entire worship service click here.


A Yoke We Ourselves Could Not Bear

A standalone sermon at the beginning of our discernment process answering how welcoming our church will be for people in the LGBTQ community.

Scripture: Acts 15


Choose Love

From "Choose rightly": a series exploring choices important for healthy relationships

Scripture: John 13

To see the entire worship service click here.


Lament: The God Who Sees

From "Room for god": a lent series Presenting practices that make room for god

Scripture: Genesis 16

Richard McBee, Annunciation 3, 2012.

Richard McBee, Annunciation 3, 2012.


We Celebrate Each Other

From "our life together": A series on how to live in community with others

Scripture: John 3:22-36


Conquering Giants

A stand alone sermon

Scripture: 1 Samuel 17

John August Swanson - David and Goliath

John August Swanson - David and Goliath